
Kuon stood before the huge tent, where his servant kept his horse and armor. He was trying his sword and the lance just before the duel. He was also measuring the field with his eye. He understood the way duels happened but experiencing it in the reality was something completely different. He touched the flower he got from Kyoko and smiled. Even now, when he was before the real danger, he didn’t regret his fierce decision. It was as if he was fighting for her.

In fact, the thought about her watching him from the castle’s walls… cheering for him… made him feel strength. The perspective of dying with her name on his lips was not so bad. It would be honorable and beautiful in a way.

Kuon would probably think about that possibility longer, but her words from before kept coming to his awareness.

Kuon felt Kyoko shiver from the kiss he placed on her hand. Her reactions were cuter with every day that passed. Was it because she couldn’t remember Sho and how he treated her? Was it the way she would react to him if she wasn’t seeking her revenge? Kuon couldn’t send away those thoughts. Every time she smiled at him, talked to him and touched him, Kuon could feel his resolve dissolve.

First, he was sure that it was absolutely necessary to tell her everything. He believed her memory would be back sooner or later, so there was no point of lying. She had the right to know, even if deep inside Kuon wanted her to forget about Sho and focus instead on him.

When he came back from Lady Anna and saw “Sho” around Kyoko yet again, he felt hopeless. He wanted to cry, realizing that destiny could have its own ways even across the oceans of time. There was no way to fight it and he felt just defeated. But then something happened. Kyoko reacted almost like if she remembered all and took few steps away from Tony. He could tell she felt uncomfortable and decided to save her from bad company.

 When Kyoko saw Kuon, she quickly run to him, seeking his help. That moment Kuon’s heart skipped the beat and his reason was gone replaced by emotions. He acted instinctively and now he had to face the consequences of it.

Kyoko tried to do everything she could to prevent the duel. When he asked her to trust him, she did as he pleaded and instead offered to help with the preparations. He recalled horse ridding and swordsmanship while she worked hard to pay for the food and the rooms they rented.

Just before the duel she came to him and with trembling voice she commended:

“Don’t you dare die? Without you I…”

Sound of trumpets woke him up and he realized there was no coming back now. He will fight with Tony with all his might. He hoped to hear the rest of the sentence she tried to tell him and for that he had to win.

Crowd cheered. Two knights in the shining armors showed on the field. Lady Anna also appeared in one of the windows, from where she got the best sight. Soon enough young red-haired girl showed in the same window too. Many viewers wondered who she was or where was she from.

Lady Anna pleaded for silence and crowd silenced quickly, waiting for the sign.

“Knights, are you ready?”

Both nodded their heads and the horses they were sitting on became uneasy.

“You may start the duel.”

Kuon and Tony rode to the field crossed by wooden line that showed them their trucks. Two servants brought them lances. The other one stood in the center of battle field with a flag. When both men were ready he waved his flag and the duel started.

With lances directed at the enemy they galloped to meet their fate. Crowd silenced, it was the moment where usually everything became understood. No one made Tony fall from his horse before. Normally however he would get down and fight on swords with his opponent. Kyoko closed her eyes.

To everyone’s surprise this time it was different. Just before the hit Kuon threw his leg to the other side of horse’s back. He used it as ballast that helped him not to fall of the horse’s saddle when he laid down to avoid Toney’s lance. That was something Tony never expected. His weapon hit the air when Kuon’s had a clear target.

Kyoko heard the moved voices from crowd’s throats. She opened her eyes, not bearing the suspense. The view her eyes saw made her lips smile a little. She probably would shout happily that Kuon made Tony fall from his horse, but the duel didn’t end yet. Kuon dropped his lance and got off his horse. He waited a moment to let Tony get up. Kuon might be better with lances but the question was, is he good with swords too?

Angry Tony couldn’t bear the thought that he was defeated. It never happened before and he still didn’t understood how this could happen now. Tony decided to hurt badly his opponent to make him pay for his humiliation. He put a lot of strength into the strakes.

Kuon managed to defend himself but it wasn’t easy. When acting, actors were more delicate because they were only acting. He got lucky using his ridding skills while first attack from Tony, but this time it was different.

Tony made few scratches on Kuon’s arms and became ecstatic about it. He was sure his victory but he was also horribly tired using all he got at the beginning. It was why Tony decided to use his final flinch too early. Kuon acted instinctively. His sword lessons showed out to be really useful. He dodged the attack and disarmed Tony.

Silence again took over the crowd. Then they realized that the unexpected happened and they applauded Kuon’s victory with violets, cheering.